domingo, fevereiro 13, 2005

Obviamente, foi calado!

Cumprem-se hoje 40 anos sobre o assassinado de Humberto Delgado. É tempo de recordar a sua coragem e de gritar que também não tememos quem usa e abusa do Poder!

Vítima de um assassinato político premeditado nos corredores do Estado fascista e executado com frieza pela PIDE, o "General sem medo" foi um dos principais símbolos da luta contra o regime salazarista e continua hoje a ser um exemplo de determinação...

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Clear Skies - Sign the petition!
A dois dias da entrada do protocolo de Quioto (16 de Fevereiro vamos
reagir contra o plano Clear Skies, o Programa mais desastroso de Bush. Um
atentado à dignidade humana.
"Bush's so-called "Clear Skies" Initiative is a sweetheart deal for
polluters and now on a fast track in the Senate.
Bush's plan would be disastrous to the public's health -
rolling back protection from dangerous soot and smog,
eliminating safeguards for our national parks, allowing
increased emissions of toxic mercury, and completely
ignoring the threat of global warming."
Presidente Bush,onde está o Amor?
Assinem e divulguem nos vossos blogues!
Dear Friend,

Love is in the air, but so are soot, smog, and mercury.
As Americans across the country celebrate Valentine's
Day with their sweethearts, friends, and family, Bush
and his and his allies in Congress are working to rollback
30 years of environmental progress.
Sign the petition:

Bush's so-called "Clear Skies" Initiative is a sweetheart
deal for polluters and now on a fast track in the Senate.
Bush's plan would be disastrous to the public's health -
rolling back protection from dangerous soot and smog,
eliminating safeguards for our national parks, allowing
increased emissions of toxic mercury, and completely
ignoring the threat of global warming. President Bush,
where's the love?

Air pollution from power plants alone contributes to an
estimated 30,000 premature deaths, hundreds of thousands
of asthma attacks, and tens of thousands of
hospitalizations for respiratory and cardiovascular
illnesses each year. Everyone deserves air that is safe to

That's why Congress needs to hear from you right away to
prevent this unprecedented attack on the Clean Air Act.

Tell your U.S. Senators today to oppose any plans to make
our air dirtier and more dangerous!

Sign the petition:

Publicus Sociale